Monday, April 12, 2010

Jack is 5!

As much as I tried to talk Jack in to not turning five, I couldn't convince him. However, he did promise me that he will stay five. I absolutely love this kid and his age. I wish he could stay this sweet, innocent, funny, loving little boy. I think I love him so much because he loves me so much. I wake up to him hugging and kissing me and get lots and lots of, "I love you Mom's" throughout the day just because. This year he had a couple of friends come with us to Chuck E. Cheese (still pronounced Chuck E. Jesus by both Jack and Kate).
Here's Jack with his buddy Josh. Josh and Jack go to preschool together and he lives a few doors down.
Jack and his buddy Austin. Austin also lives on our street. We are so lucky to have so many kids in our neighborhood.
With Chuck E. himself.
I guess this is Jack's cool look. I can't tell you how many times they rode this monster truck.
We are mean parents and made Jack wait until Harmon got home from work to open presents.
Jack takes his wishes seriously - I hope this one comes true - whatever it was!
Jack was so funny with his candles - he blew them out one by one! We were all cracking up. Don't look too closely at the cake or you will discover my lame spelling error. That is why I never do the birthday cakes - what was I thinking? Never again.


Lindsay Dickson said...

I'm still trying to figure out how Jack is 5 already!!? What a sweet boy you have...I can see why you wont allow him to get any older on you.

Nancy said...

HAPPY BIRTHAY JACK!! Burthdays are fun no matter how you spell them. Nana and Papa D. love you very much.

Ashley said...

I like his "cool" look. Very cute. I found the spelling error.