Friday, February 22, 2008


Here are a couple of pictures of our cute little Kate in the bath tub. She loves to play and splash as long as we will let her. I left her and the other kids home with Harmon while I went to California for a few days. I was worried about leaving her but Harmon did great with all of them (although, you'll have to ask Harmon about his fun incident with Kate while he was changing Jack's diaper). I actually think my leaving turned out to be a good thing. I think she had been waking up in the night, not because she was hungry, but because she wanted to be with me (she is truly a Momma's girl). So, because she wasn't getting me, she is now sleeping through the night! Go Harmon! She hasn't slept through the night since our trip to California in October and I was long overdue for a good night's sleep. Harmon was also able to bond with her more than ever because I wasn't there to compete for her attention. I definitely missed her and the others while I was gone.