Thursday, May 21, 2009

Start Spreading the News!

For our 14th Anniversary, Harmon and I finally pulled the trigger and bought the piano I have always wanted (it hasn't been delivered because the room isn't ready for it yet).  As we walked out of the store, one of the salesmen happened to start playing, "Start Spreading the News" - they were in on the secret.  It was all I could do not to start laughing but Harmon didn't even notice.  I pulled a little present out of my car and handed it to Harmon.  He was a little put out because we had agreed that the piano was for our anniversary - and the rest of the holidays for the balance of our marriage...  A couple of weeks ago, I had to let him in on a little of my secret because he was trying to ruin it.  He thought that we were staying the night somewhere local on Saturday night to celebrate our anniversary.  I told him that the present was a little clue about this weekend.  I had wrapped this cute picture of Toby holding our Wicked tickets in front of his face.
Harmon unwrapped the gift and sat there and stared at this picture.  It seemed like the longest minute of my life.  I asked him if he had figured it out.  He finally said, "We aren't going to New York are we?"  I said, "Yes we are - TONIGHT!  You have a couple of hours to pack."  If you know Harmon, you know that he is not the most spontaneous guy.  His reaction was, "Tonight? I can't go tonight."  Once he realized that all of his conflicts were conflicts I had orchestrated, reality started settling in that we really were leaving to New York City that night.  I think all of the stress and excitement I had been carrying around with me for months transferred to him.  It was great.  That night was so much fun watching him walk around shaking his head at the realization that he had been duped!