Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New York City - Day 3

Saturday morning, we woke up to a little rain but not enough to keep Todd and Harmon from taking a run through Central Park.  Todd was able to join us that day which was great.  We took the subway down and then took the Staten Island Ferry so we could see the Statue of Liberty.  I hope to spend some time on Ellis Island next time we go.
It was amazing to see something you've only heard about and seen pictures of your whole life.

After 14 years, we still like each other (most of the time).  After the ferry, we walked around the financial district.  We saw the Meryll Lynch Bull, Wall Street, and Ground Zero.  Ground Zero was very sobering.  Harmon wished he could see down in to all the construction that is going on on that site.
We stopped by Century 21 and did some shopping.  It was a great place with lots of good stuff for great prices.  We then made our way to Soho and had some funny experiences with people selling knock-off hand bags.  We were escorted to a secret closet in one store with two-way radios to make sure no one was watching.  I am so naive that once we were in the closet, I asked the guy, "Why are you being so secretive about this?"  Ashley looked at me like I was clueless.  I didn't find what I was looking for, so we took another guy up on his offer.  Before you knew it, Ashley and I were in some guy's van looking at purses.  When I asked if he had any that were just leather he said, "No.  GET OUT!"  We laughed all day at our adventures.  I couldn't resist taking a picture of this sign that was on the window of a boutique.  Classic.
We ate at a great place in West Village for dinner and had the best fried artichokes as an appetizer.  We headed back for Ashley's, freshened up and decided to hit Serendipity for dessert.  Once we got there, we were told it would be an hour wait.  We decided to kill some time at Dylan's Candy Bar.  I went downstairs and Ashley came up and told me that the guy from Survivor was there.  Harmon and I are huge Survivor fans so I called Harmon and had him come down.  Harmon didn't want to bug him but Jeff's friend saw us debating what to do.  He asked if we wanted our picture taken with him.  We told him we did but that we didn't want to bug him.  He said that Jeff would love to and went and got him.  He was very nice - shorter than I would have thought.  He took a picture with us and talked to us for a couple of minutes. Harmon and I were so out of our element, we didn't put it together that he was in New York for the live finale the next day. Crazy.
Harmon and I shared Serendipity's famous Frozen Hot Chocolate which was all that it is cracked up to be.  Definitely worth the wait - which only turned out to be 30 minutes and because of the wait we got to see Jeff Probst.  Win win.  Fun day.

New York City - Day 2

We got up and grabbed something to eat at a local cafe. One thing that we learned in the city on a couple of different occasions is that they don't know what salsa is. I had ordered an omelet and asked them if I could get some salsa. The girl said, "Salsa? What's that?" I turned to the other girl and said, "Do you have salsa?" She said that they only have hot sauce and ketchup. The next morning when we were at breakfast, Harmon asked the waiter if he could get some salsa. The waiter said, "What's salsa?" Harmon said, "Never mind." Strange. Or maybe we are the strange ones... Anyway, the day before when we went to the Empire State Building, some people on the way down showed us these pictures that they had bought at the gift shop. Harmon loved them and really wanted some. We decided to walk back to the Empire State Building and pick some up. It wasn't so easy. After proving to the manager with our digital camera that we had been there the night before, he let Harmon go back up to the gift shop and buy them. We took a taxi back to Ashley's place, but this time as he pulled up, I thought to myself, "Wow. Ashley lives in a nice residential area." It's amazing how spending a day in the city changed my perspective. We decided to head toward Rockefeller Center and 5th Avenue. We got a little sidetracked by Central Park.  
This place that is a tribute to John Lenon is right by Ashley's house.  She says that every day someone comes and places flowers like this around it.  Funny.  I couldn't resist taking a picture.
We decided to rent some bikes (on Sunny's recommendation) and ride around Central Park.  We loved it and would suggest it to anyone visiting.  It was a great way to get a feel for the size of the park and see all that it has to offer. 
 Ashley with her mad photography skills was able to get some photos while riding her bike...
After our lovely ride through Central Park, we were starving and decided to make our way to Rockefller Center and grab something to eat.  We stopped at a couple of places but nothing looked great.  Harmon was starting to get grumpy (he gets that way when he is hungry), so we said the next place we came to we would eat at no matter what.  That place happened to be Carnegie Deli.  We were seated at a table and took a look at the menu, only to discover that a sandwich was $24 and you had to pay $4 if you wanted to split a sandwich!  Harmon was committed though.  We asked the server what she recommended and then asked her how the beef brisket sandwich was.  She said, "Good.  If you like beef."  We couldn't help but laugh - we didn't really understand her comment.  We decided that three of us would split the beef brisket and the rueben.  A few minutes later we got our beef brisket sandwich, which consisted of two very small, thin pieces of bread and a whole cow!  There was not one condiment on the sandwich.  So, that's what she meant by "Good. If you like beef."  The rueben was about the same.  The three of us couldn't finish the sandwiches and I don't think I've ever laughed so hard over lunch.  We did, however, finish off lunch with "the best cheesecake EVER!"  We took the subway back to Ashley's - which was Harmon's first subway experience.  He was pretty impressed.
Harmon and I took the train (all by ourselves and didn't get lost) to go to the Yankees game at their new stadium.  We had a great time and really enjoyed it.  Even though we are not Yankee fans, we were glad we went.

We had great seats.  This was our view...
We took the subway back and stopped at Magnolia's Bakery by Ashley's house for some yummy dessert.  It's a good thing you do so much walking so you don't feel guilty about eating.  It was another great day.

New York City - Day 1

Our plane landed at JFK at about 5:30 a.m. We arrived at Ashley's at about 7:00 a.m. Although Harmon and I were tired, the taxi ride woke us up - it was definitely an experience. We couldn't wait to see her cute little boys. When the taxi dropped us off in front of Ashley's building, I remember thinking, "Wow. Ashley lives in the middle of the city." We played with them for a bit until we felt like we were going to crash. Ashley was kind enough to take the boys for a run while we tried to get some sleep. A couple hours of sleep and a shower does wonders... This picture pretty much sums it up. I don't know how Ashley lives in the city with these three energetic boys. She must have more patience than me... They are so much fun and way too cute!
We decided to walk around and get a feel for Ashley's life. We cut through Central Park which was so cool. I think the Park is the thing that keeps Ashley sane. I have heard about Central Park all my life and seen pictures of it, but you can't do it justice until you experience it yourself. I loved it. I hope our next trip we will get to do more at the park. This is a picture of the New York City Temple and also where Todd and Ashley go to church. There was something that didn't feel just right about the temple being smack in the middle of the city. Ashley assured us that there is just as much peace when you sit in this temple as any other temple in the world. We went and had a burger at the Shake Shak and hit it at just the right time and missed the long line.On our way back to Ashley's, we decided to stop at the Museum of Natural History which is right by her house. That place is huge and very cool, but a lot to take in in a short amount of time - especially when we were starting to feel just how little sleep we actually got on the plane. We cut it short and went and checked into our hotel. We stayed close to Times Square since we were going to the play that night. We checked in and were able to sleep for a few hours so we could stay awake for Wicked. Harmon and I walked to the Empire State Building. A friend had told Harmon not to look up as we walked through the city because it was a dead give away that you were a tourist, but we just couldn't help it. Because of Harmon's construction background, it was especially difficult. I had been told to hit the Empire State Building at 5:00 p.m. to miss the crowds and it worked out just right. The view was unbelievable even though it was a little foggy and soooo windy. We were amazed at how tall the other buildings were that surrounded it but they dwarfed in comparison to the Empire State Building.
Harmon and I at the top. We had taken another picture on the other side of the building but my hair was going straight up because of the wind. I don't love heights in the first place and the wind didn't help anything...
The view was amazing. The city is unbelievable. It just keeps going and going...
We met Ashley at Times Square and had some pizza at a place called Famiglias. It was very tasty. Todd was able to meet us there and scarf down some pizza before heading to Wicked.
Ashley and I at Times Square. She was the best tour guide and is one of my best friends. We had such a great time together. I just wish we lived closer.
Harmon and I absolutely loved Wicked. Harmon said it was one of his favorite things we did on the trip. Next time I go to New York, I would like to do at least a couple of shows.
Ashley and Todd. Todd had been pulling all-nighters for work and had a hard time staying awake - we all felt bad for him. We had such a great first day in New York. Harmon and I stopped at a bakery on our way back to our hotel and grabbed some dessert. Despite our long day, we were on such a high that we weren't even ready for bed....good thing.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Start Spreading the News!

For our 14th Anniversary, Harmon and I finally pulled the trigger and bought the piano I have always wanted (it hasn't been delivered because the room isn't ready for it yet).  As we walked out of the store, one of the salesmen happened to start playing, "Start Spreading the News" - they were in on the secret.  It was all I could do not to start laughing but Harmon didn't even notice.  I pulled a little present out of my car and handed it to Harmon.  He was a little put out because we had agreed that the piano was for our anniversary - and the rest of the holidays for the balance of our marriage...  A couple of weeks ago, I had to let him in on a little of my secret because he was trying to ruin it.  He thought that we were staying the night somewhere local on Saturday night to celebrate our anniversary.  I told him that the present was a little clue about this weekend.  I had wrapped this cute picture of Toby holding our Wicked tickets in front of his face.
Harmon unwrapped the gift and sat there and stared at this picture.  It seemed like the longest minute of my life.  I asked him if he had figured it out.  He finally said, "We aren't going to New York are we?"  I said, "Yes we are - TONIGHT!  You have a couple of hours to pack."  If you know Harmon, you know that he is not the most spontaneous guy.  His reaction was, "Tonight? I can't go tonight."  Once he realized that all of his conflicts were conflicts I had orchestrated, reality started settling in that we really were leaving to New York City that night.  I think all of the stress and excitement I had been carrying around with me for months transferred to him.  It was great.  That night was so much fun watching him walk around shaking his head at the realization that he had been duped!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kate Turns Two!

Kate didn't quite understand that it was her birthday.  She knew something was special but she couldn't quite figure it out.  By the end of the day she was saying, "My Happy to You".  Too cute.
She got this funny little look on her face as we sang to her.
She stood there and blew and blew.  Someone finally had to help her.
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.  We had to wake her up to open her presents.  Not a good idea but it didn't take her long to come around.
Nana and Papa gave her this cute little doll that giggles and a little puppy that barks.  She opened that first and it was hard to pry her away from them to open the rest of her presents.
If you don't know this about me, I have a bathing suit fetish.  I thought I was pretty good only buying her a few when I could have bought 20.  Nana and Papa got her the sunglasses and she wears them everywhere.  All in all, she had a great day and is such a cute 2 year old.  

Halle's Baptism

Halle has been counting down the days and minutes until her baptism for months.  I haven't seen anyone so excited to be baptized.  This truly is a miracle because at Lacey's baptism, three years ago, she let me know that she didn't ever want to be baptized.  It was a wonderful day and we are so grateful for all of the family and friends that were able to share this special day with her.
Halle looked so pretty and just beamed in her beautiful white dress.
The family.
Proud parents.
Halle with her Dad.  Harmon did a great job with the baptism and confirmation.  There was such a beautiful spirit there.
Mom and Dad with Halle.
Nana and Papa were here from California.
Grandma and Papa T. drove down from Idaho.
Sunny, Alex and Grace.
Another shot of the family.
Harmon and Kate.

Happy Birthday to Lou!

I always decorate the kitchen for each child's birthday.  I should just leave them up during the birthday season...
Lacey was happy that her birthday was on a Saturday so she didn't have to wait for Harmon to come home from work to open her presents.
I have made Lacey wait to read Twilight.  She got it for her birthday and was thrilled.  I hope it doesn't keep her up at night - she's a chicken...
Her other favorite gift is that we let her have a blog.  Check it and her fashion show out here . (I am impressed with myself - I've never done a link before. Hopefully it works.)
The day before Lacey's birthday, Harmon took her for her first official round of golf.  They both had a great time.
I think Lacey was most excited to wear one of her new golf outfits.  The girl golf apparel makes me want to take up golf...
Lacey concentrating on her swing.

Easter Sunday

We have 9:00 church, so Easter morning is always interesting.  We decided to do the baskets and hide eggs the night before so that we could enjoy it.  I was so proud of myself for having the kids fed and ready early Sunday morning.  We even had time to take a couple of pictures.  I should beware of pride, because as we were getting in the car to leave, we realized that Jack had locked us out of the house.  So much for being on time...
With four kids, it is almost impossible to get a decent picture of them at the same time.  This is as good as we got Easter morning.
Here are the kids waiting for me to hide the eggs...
Addie was so great to help Kate find the eggs at the hunt with all of the cousins.  
Weston helped Jack find lots of eggs.
Halle is happy that she is still young enough to hunt.