Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New York City - Day 1

Our plane landed at JFK at about 5:30 a.m. We arrived at Ashley's at about 7:00 a.m. Although Harmon and I were tired, the taxi ride woke us up - it was definitely an experience. We couldn't wait to see her cute little boys. When the taxi dropped us off in front of Ashley's building, I remember thinking, "Wow. Ashley lives in the middle of the city." We played with them for a bit until we felt like we were going to crash. Ashley was kind enough to take the boys for a run while we tried to get some sleep. A couple hours of sleep and a shower does wonders... This picture pretty much sums it up. I don't know how Ashley lives in the city with these three energetic boys. She must have more patience than me... They are so much fun and way too cute!
We decided to walk around and get a feel for Ashley's life. We cut through Central Park which was so cool. I think the Park is the thing that keeps Ashley sane. I have heard about Central Park all my life and seen pictures of it, but you can't do it justice until you experience it yourself. I loved it. I hope our next trip we will get to do more at the park. This is a picture of the New York City Temple and also where Todd and Ashley go to church. There was something that didn't feel just right about the temple being smack in the middle of the city. Ashley assured us that there is just as much peace when you sit in this temple as any other temple in the world. We went and had a burger at the Shake Shak and hit it at just the right time and missed the long line.On our way back to Ashley's, we decided to stop at the Museum of Natural History which is right by her house. That place is huge and very cool, but a lot to take in in a short amount of time - especially when we were starting to feel just how little sleep we actually got on the plane. We cut it short and went and checked into our hotel. We stayed close to Times Square since we were going to the play that night. We checked in and were able to sleep for a few hours so we could stay awake for Wicked. Harmon and I walked to the Empire State Building. A friend had told Harmon not to look up as we walked through the city because it was a dead give away that you were a tourist, but we just couldn't help it. Because of Harmon's construction background, it was especially difficult. I had been told to hit the Empire State Building at 5:00 p.m. to miss the crowds and it worked out just right. The view was unbelievable even though it was a little foggy and soooo windy. We were amazed at how tall the other buildings were that surrounded it but they dwarfed in comparison to the Empire State Building.
Harmon and I at the top. We had taken another picture on the other side of the building but my hair was going straight up because of the wind. I don't love heights in the first place and the wind didn't help anything...
The view was amazing. The city is unbelievable. It just keeps going and going...
We met Ashley at Times Square and had some pizza at a place called Famiglias. It was very tasty. Todd was able to meet us there and scarf down some pizza before heading to Wicked.
Ashley and I at Times Square. She was the best tour guide and is one of my best friends. We had such a great time together. I just wish we lived closer.
Harmon and I absolutely loved Wicked. Harmon said it was one of his favorite things we did on the trip. Next time I go to New York, I would like to do at least a couple of shows.
Ashley and Todd. Todd had been pulling all-nighters for work and had a hard time staying awake - we all felt bad for him. We had such a great first day in New York. Harmon and I stopped at a bakery on our way back to our hotel and grabbed some dessert. Despite our long day, we were on such a high that we weren't even ready for bed....good thing.

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