Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cousin Visit

We were so lucky to have Ashley and her kids come and visit us at the end of June. My kids loving spending time with her kids and getting to know them better. It's so hard when the kids don't get to see each other very often.
The kids enjoying a popsicle on the deck. I swear some of the popsicle made it into their mouths....
Bonding time in front of the TV.

We actually went up the canyon to the Spruces and went camping for a couple of night. I guess whenever Ashley goes camping it rains and this time it was no exception. We took the kids to a movie one day to get some relief from the rain. We still had a great time - dance parties in the trailer and all...


Nancy said...

Aren't we excited that those cousins will be out west soon. Your kids will see each other so much more! Thanks for all the updates. I can't wait for the next ones.

Ashley said...

You blog? Haha! Can't wait to see you more!!!